Friday, December 13, 2013

Matte Painting

This is the rough matte painting where the buildings and trees are there for reference so we will know how to set up our animations and incorporate it. Also, the trees will have their own separate file so that we can give the illusion of depth to them and the skyline. 
This is a 3d model made in Maya that will be exported to Photoshop and edited in 3d space

This is another 3d model made in Maya that will be exported to Photoshop and edited in 3d space.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


These are Jason's boots and jean textures. Kyle did a beautiful job.
Fabulous fashion. I think Kyle could become a clothing designer for men.
This is the texture for the boots
This is the texture for Jason's jeans
This is the texture for Jason's shirt
This is the texture for Jason's robo-poly shirt

Thursday, December 5, 2013


This image is from the shot where Tracy floats into the portal. She has no hair in this image because it's going to be referenced into the rig later because of some pipeline issues we had.
This is the translate X and Y curve for when Tracy is swinging on the swing-set.
Y is represented by green and X is represented by red.
Animating Jason's run cycle

This is the run cycle for Jason when he's about to attack the polygon soldiers
Animating the fight scene is so much more fun than I had anticipated 
Animating the fight scene is challenging. It requires a lot of balance, follow through, and timing.

This is the rough first part of the fight scene